Main South Woodsman - Evolving Profile
Note: As new information becomes available we will update this profile!
The Power Is In The Questions 2/4/08:
A question that begs to be answered is where the Woodsman got the white prep cook's shirt, which he gave to Windy Morello. How did he have access to such a shirt? Did he work in a place where such shirts were required? Did he transport such shirts for one reason or another? Or does he have access to a place where such shirts may be stored? The prostitutes working the Main South district of Worcester may be able to relate a John to one or more of these questions.
Evolving profile on the Main South Woodsman effective 9/17/07:
We are expanding previous information pertaining to the age of the Woodsman. We profiled the age of the Woodsman between 28 to 41 years old, however, we now believe that the age of the Woodsman could be older than 41 years, but still not younger than age 28.
"May God Bless Wendy Morello":
Wendy Morello's murder seems to reveal the most information to help identify the Woodsman. Wendy was last seen at her friend's residence in Worcester, MA between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. on September 5, 2004. She was said to have run out of the room to get into a vehicle with someone, and supposedly was not dressed up to work the street at that time. Instead, she was wearing jeans, sneakers and a black shirt. We believe she knew the person in the vehicle and felt safe with him. She was never seen again, and her body was found on September 13, 2004 on Riverwood Drive in York, ME. When she was found, she was in a plastic garbage can, wearing a white shirt (not the black one she left the house with). This suggests to us that Ms. Morello stayed with this person for some length of time before he killed her. She knew him, she felt safe with him and she stayed with him. WHERE did she stay with him, is the question!
Is there a person who owns or rents a building or house where prostitutes from Main South in Worcester feel safe going to in order to get high, or turn tricks for money or drugs? We believe the girls from Main South probably have the answer to that question.
Worcester, MA Serial Killer
(Profile of the "Main South Woodsman")
Gender: Male (local to area)
Race: Unknown at this time
Age: Between the ages of 28 to 41.
Vocations: Works in the construction field, or is (or has been) a truck driver or maintenance worker.
Hobbies: Fishing, hunting, pornography (in all forms of media)
Legal History: A history of assaulting women, and he probably assaulted some prostitutes who got from him. He would have charges of breaking and entering, a history of DUI's, or possession of an illegal substance. He may have even been known as a drug dealer. He has a history (although maybe not legal history), of cruelty to animals, trespassing, and being a "peeping tom".
Mental History: This psychopath suffers from a learning disability, and suffers from anxiety and paranoia.
Drug & Alcohol History: This perpetrator is a heavy smoker who abuses alcohol, marijuana, and, at times, cocaine. He probably has received some treatment for alcohol and/or substance abuse.
Psycho-Social History: Grew up in a very physically and sexually abusive household as a child, and blames his mother for the abusive situation. He is addicted to frequenting areas of prostitution, and he is known to prostitutes in the Main South area of Worcester. He may be known to prostitutes as being a john who prefers sex outdoors, weather permitting. He is a compulsive bragger, who brags about his fishing and hunting exploits. He would brag about, and enjoy showing pictures of, his fishing and hunting conquests.
Vehicle: Drives a pick-up truck or a large SUV.
He should turn himself into the authorities to end his personal torturous torment and his addiction to killing. He can then tell his story to the millions of people who are interested in him.