Our Profiles

" You only know what you know from what you've learned. Who were your teachers?"
John Kelly
We, at STALK, Inc., have been focused on this predator's ability to communicate and manipulate women with his phone. We have even dubbed him the "Sweet Talking Killer"... READ MORE
We profiled the age of the Woodsman between 28 to 41 years old, however, we now believe that the age of the Woodsman could be older... READ MORE
This is a profile on the person of interest in the murder of Donald Farrell on October 27, 2007 just off the campus of Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ... READ MORE
The Golden State Killer/EAR (East Area Rapist)/The Original Night Stalker (who will be referred to as the ONS in this profile) was a white male between the ages... READ MORE
He has some sophistication and organizational skills. He knew when and where to attack Karina... READ MORE
This lethal predator is a local male, who is very familiar with the Atlantic City area, and the disposal site of his victims... READ MORE
Profile on Anthrax perpetrator, "Big Eyes"... READ MORE
This "wolf-in-sheep's clothing" fits into the street environment in which he trolls very well for victims... READ MORE
He is an attention seeker with low self-esteem, and known to be that way by others.
His posing of the animals, is an antisocial message... READ MORE